it seemed odd that the horses began to grow riled, the dogs often slept in the barn and as most were used for hunting and war it was a rare thing to see them agitated if not scared, glancing up with briefly narrowed eyes he attempt to find the source of their discomfort. It was his sweet girl who alerted him to Rei and glancing at the fae boy he listened closely to get his words above the din being created. His own horse seemed utterly unruffled by the fae's presence, going so far as attempting to find treats in the boys own pockets which caused a light-hearted grin to form on Alessandro's face. The heaviness of Rei's words not hitting him until the fae had backed out and the animals started to calm themselves once more. This was going to be a problem. Alessandro would love to heed the advice of his heart and of Rei but a prince, least of all a crowned prince, could be seen doing such a dishonour to any one who had given them a gift such as the Stallion, let alone his own father. The politics behind the gift were half the reason behind his constant despair of birthdays and other celebrations. If one did not honour their gifts then they were seen either as ungrateful or worse still unhappy with such a gift, wars in the past had been started over gift giving though few sides would admit to such in history books. An ungrateful King was one who did not respect their allies and was seen as to think he was somehow better than them. An unhappy King would be considered as to be thinkign the gift unworthy of their time, perhaps not lavish enough and thus considered greedy for something worthy of more money. All this was intensified with the children of a king, oh girls had it easy with their ponies, dresses and jewelry, they rarely rode so it mattered little which they rode and dresses were circulated more than the town criers news. A boy though, Alessandro, had standards to uphold, things he had to do or use or be seen using to be considered doing his father right. With a sigh he kissed the dappled horse again and called to a stable hand to saddle her up as well, if he was going riding he'd ride the black one, his father would never let him hear the end of it if he did not. Judging by the reactions of the other horses only she would allow him to ride her without throwing him off. While the stallion had seemed uncomfortable and agitated he'd have to take that chance and remember to be ready for it to throw him off. With the horses being saddled Alessandro slipped outside to find his guardian, leaning upon a bale of stacked hay once found, "You will be riding today, you will treat her gently she is my favorite." Alessandro took a deep breath, "Have you ever ridden before?" Hopefully the fae would not ask to many questions about his choice, so much as speaking of it in the presence of the 'wrong' ears would be disastrous.