[b][i][u]Mercy[/b][/i][/u] Mercy noted Garden smile after her speech ‘On embracing the different’ She was glad for that reaction, she didn’t want to come across to strong. Her smile widened at Garden’s words. “That’s the spirit” She encouraged raising her hand and giving Garden the thumbs up. Before her attention was pulled back to Dendus, she raised an eyebrow at the young man. “Well I’d consider them lucky if they were to have ‘Mercy’ on them” She jested with a somewhat teasing undertone. “Joking aside considering they would be used in a different context it’s probably less likely that our names could be mistaken in that way” Mercy answered the boy a smile still playing at her lips. “No one is going to refer to me in such a manner and just to point out why would you be saying ‘The’ Garden when referring to Lady Garden?” She also pointed out quite politely. “As wonderful as those names are I would really prefer it if you stuck to my preferred name or if you’re struggling maybe my own alternative, for example some people call me MJ...just don’t bring up Spiderman” Mercy smiled at Dendus, thinking he was a rather strange character yet he seemed OK, she understood what Darwin had meant, though she got the impression both Dendus and Darwin had similar thoughts on each other. [i]I’m sure he means well, Mercela wasn’t a terrible name...it’s just not my name[/i] Mercy was a little touchy when it came to her name, it was the only thing she had woken up knowing 3 years ago sure certain bits of her history came back slowly but it wasn’t the same. Mercy glanced over at Garden seeing her staring wistfully at the swimming pool she was in the Midst of formulating an idea when she heard Garden’s response to Dendus. She actually felt her jaw drop open at Garden’s full name, she closed it rather quickly though not wanting to appear rude. “Ok then...so you’re a princess?” Mercy wasn’t really asking it was more of a rhetorical question. [i]A Princess? Oh, I hope I haven’t been disrespectful [/i] Mercy looked worried for a brief moment, trying to think over what she had said, she really hated not knowing things like this...she usually had all the answers, here she was lucky if she had one. “I hope I haven’t been disrespectful, I call everyone honey...I don’t mean to it just kind of slips out” Mercy apologized to Garden. She watched as the mechanical arm delivered the drinks her eyes once again alighting with curiosity as it seemed to falter when putting the drinks down, she could have sworn it was displaying emotion...maybe she was imagining it, it did so remind her of Kupo. “Thank you” She directed her comment at the mechanical arm before smiling at the bartender as he spoke, she would have to find a way toretract money for the future it seemed. She scooped two glasses of passion fruit smoothie towards her passing one to Darwin, she delicately placed the pink straw protruding from the tall glass on her lips taking a small taste, she was rather surprised at the pleasant flavour, to top that the drink was cool and most definitely refreshing . She turned her gaze to Darwin as he mentioned being the best at fishing, she felt a smile tug at her lips as she looked at him. “I can imagine they do” She commented thinking over what he had said. “I don’t tend to go near the sea I’m afraid, if I do it’s a flying fancy with the sand and the sun” She grinned at Darwin. “However, Crash surfs. I’m not sure how well...he struggles balancing on land let alone moving water. But maybe it’d be worth asking him” She offered in substitute, before falling silent as Dendus and Darwin tried to stamp rules for one another, she found it to be a rather tiresome show of male dominance. She did wince a little as Darwin raised his voice, she looked at him questioningly as he spoke of Ryuu. “Good call by the way...” She started to say to Garden before she hesitated did she call Garden her highness now she knew or did she continue calling her Lady Garden as the girl had taken to calling her Lady Mercy. [i]Etiquette why must you be so confusing...at least I’m slowly getting the hang of the right way to speak...less strange words[/i] She still smiled pleasantly and looked over at the swimming pool remembering Garden had been looking at it earlier. “Excuse me, you wouldn’t happen to know if it’s ok to use the pool today would you?” Mercy asked the bartender.