[b] Garden [/b] Ah listened carefully to Lady Mercy and her talk about the names. She smiled as Lady Garden gave her a thumbs up and telling her that's the spirit. She was glad also that Lady Mercy explained about the confusion of names also...she would have never explained it right, he was never good at explain lot of things. It was funny that Sir Dendus and Sir Darwin were talking about rules for their house they were assigned to. They were a bit too loud but they weren't causing trouble so it didn't mind her. She wonder who was her room mate too, was she nice? Kind? Fun? She wonder who she is. “Ok then...so you’re a princess?" Lady Mercy asked, right she did say her full name, Garden gave a nod to her. "Yes, I am a princess and three years now I will be queen..." She said quietly but still her usual happy tone, she then took a small sip of the sweet drink. "I hope I haven’t been disrespectful, I call everyone honey...I don’t mean to it just kind of slips out” Lady Mercy apologized to her. "Oh it's fine, being a princess well you are being called highness or princess all day and it does get a wee bit tiring but not much so it's fine if you call me that I don't mind." As Mercy asked about the if the pool was open her eyes glimmered, it would make so happy if she could swim.