Grace closed her eyes as the wolf loosened its grip on her neck, a little bit of hope still running through her. Perhaps she was just foolish, to be so headstrong when it came to being the ever hopeful one. She heard the beast licking it’s lips above her, before the bloodcurdling roar ripped through the air making her open her eyes wide looking for what that was. Grace didn’t notice the wolf looking down at her, because she was trying not what that was. For just a moment she thought maybe it was other wolf, coming to finish her off if this one wasn’t going to, until the wolf let her up and started snarling at whatever it was. When Grace was let go she didn’t want to waste any of the time that had to get as far away as she could, from that beast that was trying to kill her. She looked for only a moment at the wolf which was fighting what seemed to be….[i]a Minotaur?[/i] Yet another thing she didn’t believe was real! Though she didn’t let herself dwell on that fact instead she got up and fled using the trees on the side of the hill to get up it, then ran in the direction she thought was the way home. She could hear it when the wolf yelped out in pain behind her, and she felt bad for it, for not trying to help it whatsoever. She felt bad for something that was trying to kill her? Trying to rip her throat out? What was wrong with her? Sure if it hadn’t tried to kill her, that would make sense, Grace normally liked animals, which was why she hated her father’s trophy room. Despite the need to get home, to go out of these woods, when she got to the dagger stuck in the tree, she stopped looking back. Why did she want to go back so badly, to see if the wolf survived? She slowly started to take a step back the way from which she ran, but she was so tired and bleeding from her neck. The fact that her adrenaline was pumping, was the only thing keeping her from realizing how cold it was without the her cloak she abounded, and keeping her from passing out. [I]"Grace! My daughter where are you!"[/i] Hearing her father’s voice she turned around and started to run towards the edge of the forest. To get to her father, and the guards that would keep her safe. [b]”Father!”[/b] She screamed as she ran out of the forest and into his arms before passing out. Putting some cloth against her neck the king picked his daughter up in his arms, carrying her into the castle to the doctor has Grace had been running a high fever from the panic of being attacked. The bite marks on her neck was covered by a bandage and she was laced in her room. Until she woke up, the king wouldn’t know for sure what happened to his daughter.