[center][b]Zaelyn[/b] - [u]You could use: Ablaze, heated, flaming, combustible, alight, hot, fervid, fevered...[/u][/center] Zaelyn nearly instantly tilted her head to the side and giggled girlishly when he claimed that her name was pretty. The only reason was that she actually wasn't sure if that had been her name: When she woke up from a nearly infinitely lasting slumber, it was the first word which came to her mind, so she figured that it was her name. Not that she'd tell him that just yet. Then, the boy asked what she what she was. She hesitated at first, both of her hands reaching up to gently run over the curved horns she had on the sides of her head, a soft humming escaping the red-head for a brief moment, then she finally spoke. [b]"Um. I don't know. I think I'm a demon, that's what everyone calls me- but... I'm not really evil, or bad. So I'm not a demon, am I?"[/b] Her question held the same expecting tone as her earlier question about the sea- as if his answer itself could determine whenever she was or not one.