Kassy woke up with the sun on her face, and her first instinct was to turn into her pillow. It was nice and quiet, and she'd come to relish each moment of silence that the campus provided. She'd had such an odd dream that she would have been perfectly content to lie in bed for the next hour or so. But then, the subtle weight of a choker around her neck was part of that dream- and yet she wasn't dreaming anymore. She rubbed it with her fingertips as she slowly sat up, stretching her chubby body toward the ceiling. Getting up, she shuffled to the bathroom, noting that her roommate had done her hair and left copper-red strands all over the sink. Again. "...ugh." As she rinsed her roommate's shed hair down the drain, she looked curiously at the choker. It was a white strip of leather with a stone set into it. Definitely lovely, but more fancy than anything she'd ever owned. "...hm." Honestly, she didn't like standing out much, but the point of jewelry was to wear it, right? After doing the usual morning washup, she caught a look at the clock. "Oh dear, I'll miss breakfast!" She hastily put on a blouse and a long skirt, and hurriedly stuffed her feet into her sandals. Her bag was still packed from the night before, so she headed out, locked up, and rushed away.