Molly Combs was only really an acquaintance of Archibald, in fact, she didn't speak much to or of the man. However, when he turned to his pack of friends, saying they should be pirates, she couldn't help but join in. She was walking about their port town knowing well that there wasn't much she could do, not with her skills. She could become a serving wench or a barmaid or take up less modest work, she had the body for that... She hopped off the upper walk she was on and onto a barrel on the walk the boys were taking. She looked down them and grinned, "Pirates?" She hopped off of it and landed softly, "I think you'd all be a right horrid bunch of pirates," She looked to Archibald, "Of course, a woman can always polish up this rag tag bunch into a proper crew," She grinned at Archie, hoping he was getting what she was getting at.