Was this girl serious? Nobody was going to kill me she said as she approached with a blade drawn. Somebody needed to deal with this girl. At this moment, Fear became excitement, finally, after so long without any danger outside of not getting enough to eat, a fight. “Excuse me, what do you mean little one? You’re not that big yourself” Lee said, he was ready for a fight. Lee studied the situation and drew his 2X4; He wasn’t sure if the others would fight Lee so he only focused on the girl, still keeping an eye on the others. One blade and an unknown combatant, the blade was about 10 inches, one of the smaller ones she was carrying but more than big enough to cause serious and possibly fatal injuries, she would more than likely aim for the neck or somewhere near his heart, Lee accounted for this by standing sideways to make himself smaller, keeping both hands on the weapon that he angled at 45 degrees to allow him to match the speed of the girl if he needed to, he didn’t know how skilled the girl was with the knife so he waited for her to make the first move. He didn’t want to wait, but he didn’t want to lose the fight. “well blade girl, your move” Lee said, with a slight grin on his face. He wasn't sure about the girl, but at least she had saved him from boredom.