He watches with a smile as his host flutters about the room, obviously embarrassed that Tatsuki is helping him out. [i]'He's such a self sufficient young man, I bet this is some kind of intrusion. However I can not help but tease him a little. And honestly, I'm not sure he's not grateful for my little intrusions'[/i] “I have not doubt, Shigetoshi-kun, I just wanted to be helpful.” he murmurs when the young male comments on his unnecessary actions, but he continues cleaning up one the less. As he moves close to the sink with a few utensils in order to set them in the stack of dirty dishes Tatsuki slows at the young man's comment. It feels very out of place for the young innkeeper to say and for a few seconds he freezes, his face unreadable. [i]'Well, that was interesting. It sounds as if he's jealous. But, I can not see why. I have no intentions of becoming that close to those women, nor any other human for that matter. Maybe I should explain that. After all, I'm sure I could never get the hang of disconnecting my emotions from my partners the way my fellows do when they take mortal partners to bed'[/i] His eyebrow raises and he can feel the edges of panic in his voice as Shigetoshi begins stumbling over an apology. Tatsuki decides to help him out if he can and takes the last few steps up to the sink. Reaching out he places the handful of utensils in a tall container before bringing his other hand to rest on the small of Shigetoshi's back. “It's alright Shigetoshi-kun, you don't have to apologize. Everyone's free to have their opinions and it takes a lot to offend me. Feel free to speak you mind, I promise not to get angry.” Sliding his hand off the other's back Tatsuki sets away and pulls his cleaning rag from his sleeve. “Just so you know, I do not take partners just-like-that, and anyways, I have much more fun with you than I'm sure I would have with those young ladies. It's no contest.” With a smile he goes back to cleaning the prep table, sweeping the small bits of food into his hand so he can dump them in the garbage later.