[b][i] – Kathy[/i][/b] Kathy had to admit that hearing that Crash had also missed her made her a lot happier than it probably should have. The best part was, she did not feel shy, embarrassed, or troubled in some way from hearing those words. Just happy. For the moment she could genuinely just forget about all the worries she had about the island and simply enjoy herself. Her white teeth showing with her wide smile, she seemed happy to the point it would have probably been contagious. [b]“There’s a beach here?”[/b] Crash asked, winking. He seemed to be inviting her to interject, and she was not one to disappoint. Laughing, she made an attempt for a playful shove on his shoulder. At the mention of swimming and surfing, Kathy furrowed her brows a little and made a small thoughtful sound. She didn’t really want to admit she had zero intentions to do either of those activities when Crash seemed like he would probably enjoy them. Her eyebrow rose at the suddenly apology, then she broke out into a hearty laugh when she heard the rest of his sentence. “A, A puppy on speed?!” One hand clutching her aching side and the other covering her mouth as she attempted to stifle herself, she continued for a bit before she finally took in a few deep breaths and coughed with a slight blush on her face. “Sorry, didn’t mean to laugh so hard. Just… It kind of suits you. Er, not the drug but rather the… Puppy description…” She trailed off a bit at the end, feeling the blush deepen a bit. “Let’s see…” She was headed for the resort, but she hadn’t quite thought beyond just arriving at the place. Not quite that deep in thoughts though, she noticed the perplexed expression on his face and tilted her head slightly to the side as she wondered what was going through his head. She was about to ask when she heard: [b]“I don’t want to pry but did you get up to much the last couple of weeks? I erm tried to text...but I don’t think they went through”[/b] Her eyes widening a bit at the question, she missed the chance to warn him about the tree behind him until it was too late. Picking up the coconut in her hands, she tossed it up a few times in her hands and commented, “I bet you’d rather it was my shoe again. My flipflop is lighter than this, and lot softer.” It was a joke, but her smile was visibly a lot smaller than before. [i]‘A coconut… Maybe I’ll head over to the bar then. A tropical drink at an island sounds nice.’[/i] No longer having any business with the coconut, she tossed it to the side and hopefully out of harm’s way. Nodding in agreement to his last statement, Kathy reached out to wrap her hand around his wrist, hoping he wouldn’t move away. [i]‘First time we met I did this without really thinking but… Just his wrist should be fine right?’[/i] “Um… I was just thinking that you didn’t really have any accidents when I led you through a crowd like this.” She told him, a slight blush returning to her cheeks. Wrist-to-hand or not, she began to lead the way towards the bar of the resort. Going back to his question from before she answered, “To tell you the truth… I only saw your texts about 2 days ago.” She looked at him a little nervously, wondering if Crash would believe her. “I’m not really used to getting contacted when I’m outside of the academy, so I forgot to even check or charge my phone when I went to my parents’ place. Then I kind thought it was a little too late to reply to all that and… Here I am. Sorry… I really didn’t mean to…”