[hider=Luke Clark]Name: Luke Clark --- Appearance:[img=http://www.shineon-media.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/dylanobrien-theinternship-021313.jpg] Incredibly thin and lithe are usually words that come to mind when you see someone like Luke. He has neither needed, nor wanted the muscles of a body-builder or the height of an Olympic sprinter. In fact, Luke is just fine as he is. However one thing that Luke can use when it comes to appearances is the fact that he is quite "adorable", according to a girl who took a fancy to him in 9th Grade. This was quickly followed by a furious blush and a swift-leaving of her company. Due to this "adorable" trait of his he's usually second pick when it comes to being selected by ladies. The bigger, more muscular guys are normally picked over him and he's labelled as "like a brother." Yes, Luke has been friend-zoned to the point were it drives him figuratively insane. His glasses aren't just to make him look completely hipster and awesome as hell, he's in fact short-sighted and things at a distance appear extremely blurred for him. He doesn't really mind them at all, they just accommodate his geeky look; he likes his geeky look. This 'look' ordinarily involves him wearing t-shirts with enough pop culture references to blind someone. --- Age: 16 Grade: Sophomore Social Class: Commoner Social Class Explanation: Luke's family, although not insanely poor, weren't exactly flowing with riches. He did, however have a comfortable upbringing in a homely mid-city apartment. His placing at Caelbury was partly due to excellent grades and pure luck. But the placing on the social hierarchy that he currently holds still makes him feel below everyone is and although he technically is below them, he finds quite a few of the students almost hate his presence. Usually, however, he just puts it down to them feeling like their money hasn't really helped them that much and that he got a place just as quickly as they did. --- [img=http://31.media.tumblr.com/3f8bbf169cea67a86e42cea58e67a900/tumblr_mposfdvtlN1qerlooo1_500.png] --- Personality: Although not good enough to qualify as 'gifted', Luke is quite a good artist and likes to randomly sketch on every book he owns. This love of drawing and painting originated from his early childhood in which his artist-mother encouraged him to let his feelings flourish through a pencil and a brush, using them as a catalyst to display his emotions. He picked up her artistic skill pretty easily and hasn't stopped doodling ever since. A near constant on his person is his sketch-book. It's a diary that he displays most of his thoughts and feelings in, they're nearly always in drawings though. He uses it everyday so he never wants to abandon it but he's fearful that someone could take it and have an open-window into his inner thoughts. It's like his Achilles heel. Luke loves browsing the internet, for some strange reason. He would spend a large majority of his day on his laptop or smartphone and would more than likely not think anything of it, much to his extrovert-father's dismay. This has made him slightly unskilled when it comes to being social, or wooing ladies for that matter. In fact he usually just blushes at any advances and politely excuses himself to freedom. Yet still, you'd be lucky to find someone who is as loyal as him. Not only that but he's the perfect shoulder to cry on due to his near limitless amounts of tea and coffee and his great ability to listen and mostly agree with you; adding his opinion when it's wanted or needed. In fact if you can break through his shy exterior then you'll find a really good friend in him. --- [img=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/ce/1d/fa/ce1dfabd87c439b7a01276bcd86a3f76.jpg] --- History: Luke was born to two middle-classed parents. His parents, although not very rich, wanted the best for their children and took a few jobs each, trying to share the burden of raising a family. Somehow, they managed to stick through the stress of this and ended up pretty well-of. They were neither rich nor poor, trapped somewhere in between. This caused him and his two younger twin-sisters to have a reasonably good upbringing but they still learnt a lesson when it came to doing well for yourself. Luke was painting as soon as his inefficient little hands could hold a brush, pointless blobs of paint, quite obviously, but his mother made it her mission to keep a few. The moment his little mind had got around to figuring out a good hand-eye coordination he was drawing. This was also useless pictures at first but he kept going until he was alright. Spending his childhood reading and watching cartoons proved to he pretty good for him as his imagination seemed to fly. It wasn't until the wonderful age of 8 until he actually started to get good and his pictures actually picked up meaning. As a fifteen year old, he appeared to have a fair idea of what it was he wanted to do. That was being an illustrator. His art career had definitely came along and he wielded the pencil and the brush like they were extra fingers, creating pictures that he was never truly proud of but seemed to be liked by others. It was another curse of his, he was never really satisfied with his own work. It was about this time that emerged from looking like puberty had bitch-slapped him hard to actually looking alright and attracting some attention. He wasn't sure if he wanted this attention though, he was straight and all but most females usually made him feel insecure. In school Luke seemed to also excel, easily outshining his fellow students and achieving easy grades, year in, year out. It wasn't until later years until this actually mattered. His mind was the thing that earned him the chance to come to Caelbury. His mother, initially, was quite doubtful and he was too. His family were devoutly religious and most high-end private schools gained bad reputations for drug-abuse and students with hyperactive sex lives. She was finally won over by the high standard of those who qualified from the school, these people usually went on to lead very successful lives. He still didn't really want to go though, he felt like he would be a leper to the type of people that attended Caelbury, the film stars and celebrities. However, he felt quite guilty knowing that his parents had invested a lot of their time and money into him. So, he packed his bags. --- Extracurricular Activities: Little, to none really. Drama board possibly? He's not one for performing but behind the scenes work would be cool. --- Miscellaneous: Has a near limitless supply of tea and coffee. Completely straight (what madness if this!?!) Has a serious fear of spiders Develops a crush way too easily.[/hider]