Standing in the doorway for a few seconds, Rei decides to give the animals a break and moves a little further away. Still close enough to be in the bard in two seconds flat at any sign of trouble he hops atop a small pile of hay bales set up against the stable. [i]'I've always wondered why animals do not like me. I mean, most of my race are really close. I have tried asking before but I'm never welcome around those fae who keep animals, and no one else seems to have an idea on the matter'[/i] He turns his eyes to the brightening sky overhead and hums a little. [i]'I wonder if he will acquiesce to my request. Perhaps he can not? I'm not sure about royalty and stuff like this'[/i] Feeling the prince moving closer to the stable door he slides off the bales, the leather pants keeping the hard dead foliage from poking him, and lands with a tap beside the stacks. [i]'I guess that is one advantage of these clothing, but then again, the pokes do not hurt all that much'[/i] His thoughts trail off as he leans back against the bales, waiting for the prince to appear. Once he comes into sight Rei stops his wondering, tilting his head to the side slightly as he listens to what the man has to say. His head tilts to the other side at the question, then shakes slowly. However before the prince can say anything he brings up a hand. “I will be alright. Since she is not afraid of me I am sure we will understand one another.” He blinks a slow blink, hoping the prince gets the hint so he doesn't have to say the word Magic aloud. In a slightly quieter voice he adds, glancing down to somewhere around the man's navel, “Besides, I have always been nice to animals.” Behind the prince a couple of grooms bring out his stallion, it's tack gleaming in the pale light. They both hold one side of the now agitated beast's reins. “I don't understand.” One says tot he other past the dark one's head. “He's always been strong, but I've never seen him this jumpy.” The one on the other side of the beast, the one with a clear view of the prince and his new “bodyguard”, points at them with his chin and murmurs, “He was fine until that child came into the stable.” They both glance over at the two of them before he goes on. “How can the prince seriously believe that that little thing can protect anyone? Let alone anyone taking him seriously as a bodyguard. I'm sure many will see him as a disgrace.” He keeps his voice low so that the prince can not hear him, but his companions shushes him anyways.