[b]Assasination[/b] Hearing gunshots, an Abh doctor living in a nearby apartment rushed to the scene, bringing a coilgun pistol she kept for self defense. She kicked down the door, only to find an open window and Dmitri's body lying on the floor with blood flowing from his head. There were two bullet holes, directly into the brain and straight through the neural transmitter. There was no hope of memory recovery. The Abh ran to the nearest videophone, and called the police. Minutes later, the office was crawling with secret service agents and CSI personnel. Whoever the assassin was, they were smart. The only evidence of who did it were the bullets, ancient designs for gunpower pistols. Such weapons were almost exclusively used for assassinations, as they left no energy signature or plasma residue. Furthermore, gunpowder was expensive, as nobody produced it anymore. Therefore, whoever fired the shots was well funded. Since a human weapon was used, it is believed that the assassin is involved with the Cooperative government. Aside from this, nobody knows who did it. [b]Mars[/b] A Loroi security officer saw Adam Agata on the streets of Valles Marineris City, the capital of the Federation. She quickly ruched up to him, having heard news of the assassination on the neural net. Shoving him into an alleyway using the inherent psychic powers of her species, she raised her laser rifle and took up a defensive posture. Turning her head around to look at Adam, she spoke to him. "Haven't you heard? The President was just killed in his own apartment! You should be in a military base, not walking around on the streets! We've got to get you to a secure location, you're almost certainly next on the assassin's hit list!" [b]Rebellion[/b] Local troops have begun to put down the rebellion, massively outgunning the rebels with tanks and the support of Loroi psychics, which the rebels obviously don't have due to being Terragen supremacists. The government doesn't expect much to come of the movement, as the vast majority of the human population are practically brainwashed due to the strict laws regarding the teaching of the Common Sense Doctrine in all schools and in religious meetings. [b]Planetary Disappearance[/b] "Every starship has a Dolphin/Boskop tactical team assigned to it, the Dolphins monitor a 3-D map while the Boskops monitor a 4-D one with predictions made by the fleetmind. Both are fully operational. They're not exactly holographic, but they look about the same. Our wormjump ships are standing by to assist in the creation of the portal."