Name: Vector . Species: highly advance combat droid . Gender: Male . Age: is newly built about a year or so old . Appearance: [hider=Vector] he stands just under 8ft tall [img][/img][/hider] . Homeworld: Kamino . Personality: he's blunt to say the least, and takes everything seriously, he doesn't have a problem with getting his clawed hands dirty, and show's no mercy towards those he see's as enemies . Force-Sensitive: No. . Calling: bounty hunter . Equipment: heavy rapid fire laser gun (as seen in his picture), laser blades (as seen in his picture, on his arms, can be turned on and off) razor sharp claws, can see in night vision, thermal, sonar, electrical pulses, and normal with his multiple eye's, as well as zoom in view, and recording everything he see's, he also had built in magnetic manipulators in his hand (which allows him to move metallic objects from the size of small knives to human sized droids, it's primarily used to grab his weapon if it's ever lost from his grasp, heavier objects (like a metal crate) have to be in close proximity for him to move, whereas a gun can be controlled from a far range) . Other Possessions: [hider=Advanced VTOL Fighter with light speed capabilities] [img][/img][/hider] . Skills and Abilities: has incredible strength and speed, and can climb on multiple surfaces, he also has nano-droids that repair him if he sustains damage over time . History: Vector was built on Kamino, he was the finished product of years of testing, to make the perfect battle droid, but they made the fatal error, of giving him artificial intelligence, it did improve his all out skill, but, he began to think for himself, and decided to be controlled no more, thus making his escape, he stole an advance fighter that had been kept in a hidden facility, and used it to get off planet . if you want some edits, please let me know, I'll get right on them =3