Wulp, I'll tell you what this bunny thinks...! I hates it!!!! Especially that Ames shiets! I mean really, who came up with that?!!! So guna report this Abomination to the authorites!!!! I mean, c'mon... werewolves... srsly... WEREWOLVES?!!! Rawr. RAWR!!! Okay, fine. I need to join this if only to infiltrate further and then you will hear from the authorities, muh Lady!!!! XDDD Sorry. I dint take my shut the hell up pills... ;3 Right. So okay, loves the idea of escaping the lab and yush! will so play a 'Deviant.' Sounds, <3Urshums<3 muh Lady!!!! And dun worry, when it comes down to the actual RP, this bunny will take it seriously. No hyperactive ramblies in your in-charrie~~ Swears it ;] I can even post some ideas here for what I have in mind with my sad little unicorn avvie type of character if you like^^ Usrhums. Let's get it on, bunny!