With the commotion of the early afternoon finally concluded, Enrico had nowhere to go and nothing on his schedule. Getting away from the area as more news crews started rolling in to cover the incident seemed to be a good place to start, however. Call it irrational, or a remainder from worse times, but Enrico really didn't enjoy getting caught on TV or having images of him taken without either his permission or the security of his Bukizoku. Finally out of range, the man figured he might as well get dinner then head home. Assisting in taking down terrorists built up an appetite, and he sure as hell wouldn't be unnecessarily visiting major Lyranian landmarks any time soon. Even with increased patrols from both the Police Force and the Alstreim Knights, there was still a chance that the escaped terrorist boss had even more mooks to throw at them. Though that wasn't too important. Throwing his hands in his coat pockets, Enrico began heading towards a favorite restaurant of his. Sure it was in a seedier part of town, but he could deal with any petty thugs himself. [center]***[/center] As he exited the restaurant, the Spaniard registered a greeting from a voice he'd hoped he'd never have to hear again. He stopped in his tracks and cringed a bit, turning his head a bit in the voice's direction. "Oh fuck not that guy," Enrico sighed under his breath as he saw a much unneeded face approach. Even a super minor Kimera Tenma mook knew about [i]that asshole[/i] over there. Maybe not by appearance or name, but definitely by his legendary status as Spider #4. And Enrico himself had the displeasure of meeting him back in his Kimera Tenma days. Hopefully he got at least a bit less off-putting during the years... Though the friendly sounding introduction did nothing to calm Enrico. "Yeah?" he replied neutrally.