The Chunin was present at the training grounds, however he stood away from the group up high in a tree. His eyes locked and narrowed on those that were beneath him. He was waiting. Watching for when his presence would be required. The only thing on his mind was the letter that he had mysteriously received telling him to come here. At first he was a bit skeptical about going but after thinking it through it could have been a promotion. The risks were too huge thus he came. But so far as he could tell, he wasn't receiving a promotion unless everyone else was. It seemed like everyone had gathered for a slaughter. He was suddenly relieved that he was in the tree instead of gathered with the rest of the masses. It was then that he started thinking, "If this was a slaughter, wouldn't it be more fun to be down there?". He pondered this for a second before deciding to go down. He kicked off the tree with both speed and power, however, making no sound. The man appeared in the air, slowly gliding through the air while spinning in a corkscrew like motion. He performed a single flip before landing in the training grounds. He looked towards the pavilion before walking towards it. He wore his usual uniform, a sleek black spandex jumpsuit with a matching black helmet. On the top of the helmet was the symbol for Konoha. The only skin showing on him is his mouth and chin. On his back, 2 short swords crossed like an X. Hanging from his side, a single scroll. He silently took up a seat by himself. He was very curious as to what the purpose they were summoned for was. He could pick out a few familiar faces out of the crowd that had already gathered before. Jhino felt himself to be far superior to them however and couldn't even fathom what they could have in common to be here. He simply waited quietly and patiently while at the back of his mind, he hoped for an ambush of some sort.