Pancham smashed the rattata with his shoulder 4 times and followed with a tackle that sent it flying, and with glee he and his trainer continue to high five, it had learned a new move already and a fighting type move, work up, as well it was strange to see how fast they were getting stronger pancham was strong and the other pokemon seemed to be so inferior to the little panda and thinking about catching one seemed idiotic to him, yet the temptation was there, if only he could get a pokeball. As pancham tugged his comfy shorts to show the zigzagoon for battle terry began to think about going to the pokemart to buy a pokeball or two and jumping in to get an extra member to the crew, they wouldn't do him much good against the bug gym but they could still be a part of the group. "now use tackle" he said watching his pokemon do so knocking the little racoon down "now work up and follow with arm thrust" he said using his new made system.