The Doctor walked into the TARDIS and looked at her "There is a medbay," he started, He takes off his coat and takes off one of his shirts so she can see his shoulder better, it looked rather badly hurt and he was bleeding. The Doctor winced knowing that he would be fine even if it hurt. He wondered what those aliens wanted though. At least he was safe inside his ship, he looked rather pale and like he needed to lay down for bit. He was sure he would be fine once his should was seen to and he got some rest. "After all that though, we have to find where they have taken the real movie crew and try stop those aliens." The Doctor replied. He just let her see to his wounded shoulder "There will be things to help my shoulder in the med bay." he replied. He had never wanted lay down during a adventure that often, but he did right now because he was hurting. Feeling dizzy he grabbed a bottle of water from his chair by the console and drinks it.