Nikola raised an eyebrow. He had looked up from the glass he was cleaning, the yellow lights that shone out of his eyes peering into the silver-haired woman's. He then looked back at the glass he was cleaning, simply answering robotically, [b]"The pool is open. It should be somewhere close by here."[/b] The inventor nearly rolled his eyes when someone else apparently ordered something. The man looked at the new visitor (Carmen), then at the group that just arrived, then at her again. The masked man turned back, commanding E.A.R., [b]"Go get a cosmopolitan. I never really suspected people would've asked me for [i]cosmos[/i] today..."[/b] The mechanical arm, like it did earlier, vanished into the kitchen. It quickly came back out with a reddish glass on a tray. There was a lime wedge serving as a standard garnish for the cosmopolitan. E.A.R. made a high-pitched clicking noise, the pink light still emitting out of its palm. It seemed to be nervous with all of these young people popping up here and there. [b]"Enjoy your drink, have a nice day,"[/b] Nikola said absentmindedly, as if he were becoming a robot constantly cleaning glasses and dishware. --- Ryuu blinked when Andromeda pointed out that he had the wrong sunglasses. Why. Why did his sunglasses have dollar signs on them. True to her word, these glasses did not belong to him. With his gaze off of the melon patch, Ryuu threw the sunglasses toward somewhere far away before moving back to find his sunglasses again. He then came back up to her, his yellow sunglasses now back on, as he quietly muttered, "Thanks. It'd be weird to have some sort of pimp-glasses-wearing-gangster strolling down a private beach, now that I think about it." Ryuu prevented himself from looking at the vast melon field again. Andromeda, which was her name, seemed to have snakes for her hair. That was just awesome. "Erm," the otaku said, wondering why everyone else looked so different compared to his plain-looking, [s]bully-like[/s] gruff appearance, "Name's Ryuu. Nice to meet ya, Andromeda!" The student attempted to laugh normally. He sort of sounded like the lord of the flies, but hey, he was trying as hard as he could, right? The otaku became silent pretty quickly. He wanted to smash his face into a paper shredder for making everything so awkward.