North Mount. private school, for grades 9-12; A private high school where rich parents pay to send their kids to get the education they need to make their own millions. St. Dominique's home for teens; An orphanage full of teenagers who never were adopted, have no other family, or were never placed in the foster system. The school is filled with rich teens who have maids waiting on them hand and foot, the home with poor teens who only know abandonment and abuse. They sit, side by side, in the busy downtown of a even busier big city. The school was low on students, the home, money. Even then, the failing rate of the students was too high, and majority of the orphans had a criminal record. It seemed that both of the buildings would have to be closed down, left empty or sold for office space. The head of a company that was rising in power in the city noticed this, and formed a plan. He'd fund the school to take in the orphaned teens during the day, keeping them off the streets. The orphanage doesn't have to pay for a good education, and the company will broadcast what the school is doing, giving it a good reputation. The adults are happy. But what about the teenagers forced to attend classes with the exact opposite of their social standing? Will it be an all-out war between the two groups? Or will they ignore each other, leave them be? What would happen if they started to become friends? Some points to note: •The students will stay on campus •the orphans will stay in the orphanage, and walk to the school daily. As they're literally right beside each other, this won't take long. •the students at the school are "I-own-three-yachts" rich. • both the students and the orphans will only know the stereotypes of the other group. •this means the students will think that the orphans will jump them and rob everything •this also means the orphans think the students don't know how to respect others, and think poor people are inferior. It would be a small group, no more than six players. Any thoughts? .3. Anyone interested?