"I don't know if I want them to look up to me. Twenty years ago I thought that at this point in my life I'd be incredibly wealthy, living on a beach somewhere with a supermodel on each arm," Darius said, crossing his arms, "But thankfully, I've still got a few decades left in me, I can still become rich and that money buys the beach house and brings the women." "I never really cared for Earth history that much. I've never actually been to the planet once in my life. I have no ambition to go there, the other colonies are much easier to reach, also safer, less crowded and polluted. He stated, trying to keep his focus away from the long waiting for everyone else since he disliked waiting so long. The pilot of the shuttle indicated they would be heading off soon, not soon enough to him. Then a second later the assigned doctor of the Marauder vessel joined them on the shuttle. "It's good of you to join us, Doc. It's great to have a medical professional on the mission, you know in case O'Connell takes a bullet to the arm which punctures his suit. Then I don't have to go at it with a knife in sub zero temperatures while under fire." Darius said to the new arrival with a smile, half joking about performing impromptu mid battle surgery.