[b]@Everyone:[/b] Murderok, Gryff, 'Child', Andrea Llolth'Aliln, Ceann, Naream Baenre, Aslo, Algrimm Ironblood added to the character list. We're now officially over-full: We can't take anyone else. To everyone else still waiting, sorry, you'll have to wait until the next wave of missions after casualties have been tallied up. As for missions... [b]Scenario 1:[/b] Carnival of Chaos. (Revisiting a retooled old mission!) [i]Description:[/i] A large group of the Queen's Blades were moving from the capital city to Arian village--although properly known as the town of Arian, due to its growth spurt over the past ten years. An idyllic little corner of civilization, it manages to avoid the trappings of the big city and retain many of the aspects of a town--dirt roads, buildings made out of sturdy logs, etc. Your characters were this large group, being led by Dean Hansen, one of the ones who banished the Gods. Mikan arrives from the town as your characters see several ravens flying in over the lake towards the town, and she quickly explains everything she saw to the best of her ability--so probably sounding like a panting woman with a thick germanic accent telling you that some purple guy is going to blow up the town with magical devices. That being said, Dean recommends splitting up into roughly equally sized groups: West Watch Tower, East Watch Tower, Town Square, and Raven's Inn. There are, of course, "[i]take a third[/i]" options within each assignment though... [b]Missions[/b] [i]West Watch Tower:[/i] 6/6. --Participants: Abida Qisaf (Herzinth), Thailen Vicarris (Herzinth), Maeven Lucre (Tempest), Naream Baenre (Sarzu), AĆ«yr (Holmishire), Esyllt Boudica (Kestrel). [i]East Watch Tower:[/i] 5/6. --Participants: Alicia the Blood Duelist (LimeyPanda), Dread Fang (Hank), Kasim Ambilus (Jorick), Zayn (Alex), 'Child' (Hellis). [i]Town Square:[/i] 5/6. --Participants: Zinnarath "Zin" Corsys (Jorick), Rayvon Krayvitch (Tempest), Andrea Llolth'Allin (Andrea), Ceann (Andrea/Selvi), Laenaia (Alphakoka). [i]Raven's Inn:[/i] 6/6. --Participants: Murderok (Kadaeux), Gryff (Kadaeux), Aslo (Icarus), Algrimm Ironblood (Zed), Maher Adonai (Gat), Nadira Adonai (Genais). Everyone pick a mission, then post in the IC. If a mission is full up on players, you can't join it. I'll update it as people post in the OOC which mission they'll join. :hehe Good luck! If you have any questions or need a quick line of dialogue or two from an NPC or anything else, just let me know.