Made some progress, then ran out of coffee, so I suppose it'll just have to get finished tomorrow. @Jangel just because mine's longer doesn't make it better. The only thing, "wrong," with yours is that I can't say I really relate to your boss, mostly because the only things I know about him are that at some point he went to college, he's kinda psycho, really likes green and has three henchmen he calls kings. Adding a few personal details would make him seem more like a real person than a stereotype, dimensions are key. For instance, he might be a psycho because his grandmother who raised him burnt him with cigarettes throughout his youth, or because despite being born to and raised by totally normal, acceptable parents he happened to just be a tad off kilter. Maybe he loves cutesy lap dogs, and has a Chihuahua puppy named Sparkles who means everything to him, or maybe he's too busy writing angry letters to Gene Roddenberry demanding he bring back the original members of Star Trek for a movie sequel he wrote himself to care about anything not directly connected to his business. Doesn't really matter what the details are, could pick from random thoughts out of a hat, the point is just to have something that sets him apart, gives him a more solid identity, only really takes a few sentences.