[b]@Wayne:[/b] Welp. Here goes. [b]#1:[/b] You don't see a psychologist. You see a psychiatrist, or a therapist, or even a councilor. Psychologists are people who have a degree in psychology, not people who are trained to medically diagnose you and handle your case, though they have the training to understand what's up with your grey matter. [b]#2:[/b] You can't redefine psychosis to fit your own needs. This is just... No. :| Ludicrously offensive. Stop. [b]#3:[/b] Special snowflake argument? Really?... There's still no evidence for this incredible wild claim you have. Surely this would be in the news. [b]#4:[/b] How can you not recall what you're diagnosed with? This is like not remembering your own name. It's a significant part of your life. This is... What. No. This would be like if you didn't remember that you had [b]cancer[/b]. How is this... I don't even... [b]#5:[/b] No you don't. Or the sources you have are the most awful sources I've seen in a very long time. Pick up a copy of the DSM. It's far more informative.