[hider=Silas] [img=http://i226.photobucket.com/albums/dd52/noriko7/Vocaloid/Kaito-san.jpg] [b]Name[/b]: Silas von Wainright [b]Age[/b]: 19 [b]Personality[/b]: Silas is one of those persons who prefers to be on his own. He likes thinks that he doesn't fit into any category of people, and thus has his own way of life. He acts very distant towards others, and doesn't trust many people. Sile himself is as trustworthy as he thinks others are though, something he is aware of, but doesn't care about. When finding people that he can call friends he acts very careless and laid back, and always follows his own plan. He also won't easily admit that others are right. [b]Magical powers/ Physical Abilities[/b]: Silas was quickly thought how to make his magic permanent (Law) before we was thought how to use attacking magic, he was thought how to act during fights. He was taught Flowmotion which allows fluid movement in the open world and Superspeed to make these actions be performed even faster (Timespace). After that he mostly was taught magic like, Heat, Acoustics and Polarity (Energy). He doesn't know how to wield any fire weapons or any other weapon aside from his Kalis. The Kalis is something that he only uses in close combat when he has no other choice. He prefers to keep the Kalis intact as it is the only thing left of Raj. He is very good in melee combat with his fists and feet however. [b]Flaws[/b]: Although he is a strong warrior in battle, he is someone who will quickly act on his own. When a plan is made he will either forget it and just do something, or he thinks the plan is stupid and does it on his own way. Because he only knows three Magics which with he can attack, he will often also rely on his melee attacks. The fact that he often does things on his own can bring him into narrow situations in which he has to think up a detailed plan himself, which is hard for him. His plan often only consist out of point A and point B. [b]Side[/b]: The Mafia (formerly) [b]Bio[/b]: Silas was born in the family of the Mafia. His father Aldric was your average mafia in the business. Silas never really spend too much time with his father and always was with his mother, which caused him to become a mama's boy. He was always out with his mother, as, though she loved her husband, didn't want her children to go into the same business as him. Two years later Silas got a little sister who was named Cecilia. Back then Silas and Cecilia were best buds of each other. Aldric spend more time on Cecilia than he did on Silas, as he had given up on his son of becoming his successor one day. This also caused Silas and Cecilia to grow apart. As time progressed Aldric gained a higher position in the Mafia and was a man of much higher prestige in his branch. But this also made him bitter, Silas was about 14 when this happened. He was manipulating his daughter and treated his son like trash. His wife couldn't take his behavior anymore and wanted him to be like he was when they first met. Aldric had to make the decision between power and love, and eventually chose power as he said: "Love is weakness." Three years later his wife wanted a divorce, but somehow Aldric just couldn't accept that she wanted to leave him. He had her assassinated by someone outside of the Mafia as he didn't want anyone to get suspicious. Silas couldn't accept the death of his mother and hated his father for this, as he knew for 100% that he was the one who had killed his mother. Silas left the Mafia while Cecilia stayed with their father because she was mentally damaged by him, and pretty much had become his puppet. Silas got a well-paid job in New York, a delivery agency which was allied with the Mafia. Most of the delivery included weapons from the old world and medical goods. Instead of receiving money from his employer, Raj, who he saw as his father figure albeit being only 10 years older than him, he was granted a place to call home, food and special Magic training from him. The day that Silas turned 19 he was sent on another job, Raj said there will be a surprise when he would come back. However upon Silas' return, he discovered that Raj was murdered. Silas was shocked and saddened that he lost another family member. He discovered that Raj left him a Kalis, the one that belonged to him. Silas never found out who had killed or why he was killed. The only thing he could suspect is that he once was a strong magic user who had a bounty on his head. But further than that he couldn't come. Silas took over the company and continued his jobs.[/hider]