[center][b]Eastern Watch Tower[/b][/center] Dread Fang kept his distance, out of sight, sensing the orc's presence and the two tinkering men behind him. They were working on something, and though Dread Fang couldn't see what, it was a reasonable guess to assume this would be the "bomb" Mikan had mentioned. The scarab had only a rudimentary understanding of the mechanics of explosives, but he knew it was bad news. Best to kill the orc and these men before anything could be blown up. Kasim arrived shortly, followed by others, and promptly captivated the orc's attention. As the ironclad warrior spoke to Kasim, obviously distracted, Dread Fang circled around to the left, his body low to the ground, hugging the earth as predators do. He emerged from the tall grass and into the tower's shade, closing the distance as swiftly and silently as he could. He crept up against the wall of the watch tower -- the orc, the bomb and the two men were just around the corner. He could hear Kasim speaking now, the cocky archer, and telepathically sensed the man's intent to fire. [i]Orc warrior tough armor,[/i] the scarab thought to himself, in the curt, matter-of-fact way that was natural to his kind. [i]Other flesh-targets not steel.[/i] He heard the twang of Kasim releasing his bowstring and knew the arrow was bound for the bomb-tinkerer that was furthest away from Dread Fang. Seizing the moment, the dwelling scarab rounded the corner, reared up on his hind legs and lifted his scything front limbs into the air above the other bomb-tinkerer. Poised to strike, Dread Fang slashed downwards.