[quote=IInflex] GravityFlux, long story short, there will be guns. The great thing about this is, people will be coming from all sorts of universes, some of which were extremely technologically advanced. Though no objects were brought through, the knowledge of them has. Maybe some scientists or engineers made it through who could reproduce some of the technology from their era, but mostly it would be people who only have a small bit of knowledge of these things. The result is a mix of futuristic things and retro things which is why the technology will be retrofuturistic. I hope that makes sense. I'm going to be writing an entire section about it to try and unpack the idea a bit more, but that's the gyst of it. [/quote] Aha, I get it. Whydidn't that occur to me? Dammit, I'm daft No matter. As long as I can have my kinetic weapons.