Leo, being a heavy sleeper, had slept right through the loud buzzing of his alarm clock. When he finally did wake up, he saw that he only had twenty minutes to get to the harbor before the boat for the nature preserve leaves. In a flash, he got dressed, said good-bye to his family, and ran to the harbor as quickly as he could. Luckily, he made it on just in time. Right when the ship was about to leave. [i]Thank Arceus I made it! This is not a good way to make a good first impression.[/i] He thought. Once the boat left the docks, Leo leaned against the wall to catch his breath. One he was less tired, Leo admired the ocean view for a few moments. The breeze blew through his dark hair, and he laughed as he watched some Mantine leap out of the water dramatically. It was almost like someone trained them to do that. Today was the day that he was going to become a Pokemon Ranger. It was something he had been looking foward to for a long time. Ever since he heard about what rangers did, and what they stood for, he just had to be a part of it. As soon as he heard of the PRA, he quickly sent out an application, and was overjoyed to have gotten a letter of acceptance in return. Now he was finally going to get his chance to have his dream come true. At the same time, a part of him was nervous about what he was going to expect. Doing anything new like this was a nerve racking experience in an of itself. Leaving on a boatby himself, and traveling to a strange new land to do this was something he had never done before. Not to mention he would be leaving his mom and sisters behind while he was away becoming a ranger. There was just so much to think about. Leo took a deep breath, and sighed. He didn't like dwelling on the negative for too long. That never accomplished anything. He knew that everything would work out just fine. They always did. He couldn't wait to get to the place and get this whole thing started already. Unfortunately, this ferry didn't share Leo's sentiments. It was taking it's sweet time getting there. Nothing eventful happened once the ship had set sail, and Leo did everything he could think of to make the time pass by faster. He mostly spent the hours playing with his yo-yo, having some snacks that he had brought along with him, and played games on his Pokegear when he started to get tired. The hours still went as slow as a Slowpoke. After nearly half a day of being confined on the ferry, the ship finally pulled into the port. The boy started pacing around back and forth as he waited for it to be time to disembark. Once the ramp went down, Leo ran as fast as he could. "Oh boy! I'm finally! I'm here!" Leo was amongst the crowd of excited new recruits, wanting to get off this boat as quickly as possible. The moment the boy set foot off the dock, he was greeted by a group of experienced rangers. There, the veterans basically talked about stuff Leo already knew from the letter he received, so he didn't pay much attention to what they were saying. They then went on to explain how all the Ranger equipment they were expected to use worked Leo tapped his foot against the concrete port impatiently. As interesting as all this was, he was ready to get started already. Soon one of the rangers who looked like a Blaziken-human hybrid spoke up. Leo raised an eyebrow, wondering why there was a half human-half Pokemon in this group, but Leo didn't dwell on it for too long. He figured it was probably a costume of some sort. The Blaziken dude escorted all the new recruits through the rainforest. Leo nodded, and clapped his hands excitedly. So far, his trek through the rainforest was everything he thought it would be. It was wet, there were lots of trees, and there were even a few wild Pokemon roaming free. The eighteen year old could barely contain his enthusiasm, and he didn't bother trying to keep it in. "Oh wow! I can't believe I'm actually here!" The boy exclaimed to no one in particular. "We're actually gonna be rangers! Isn't this exciting? Are you excited? Cause I'm excited! I've never been so excited! This is gonna be soooo much fun! I can't wait to get started! Yay!"