@All I added, [b]Religion/Culture[/b], to the character sheet. This is important because religious belief plays a huge role in people's lives in the 1800s and the CSA has marginalized some religious groups, notably Catholics, Jews, Quakers and Mormans. Note, that your character does not have to be religious but secular outlooks are far more rare during this time period than they are now. @redPANDA Looks good. The only problem I see is the archetype. Indentured servant is a little to broad. I wouldn't let an African American character put 'slave' as archetype for the same reason. Perhaps Lady of the Evening? The 1800s is a sexist place which makes coining female archetypes, admittedly, a little challenging. If you can't come up with anything you like, you can stick with Indentured Servant. The more important thing you will need to think about is explaining the origin of your motivation in your backstory. Do you perhaps owe your own freedom from one of the brothel's African American slaves? Maybe you had a multiracial child whom was taken from you? Lots of possibilities.