Ears flicking slightly at the sound of fleeing footsteps, Zari mentally cursed as she bit down on the Minotaur's throat, ripping at it. She listened to the bull creature scream in agony before roaring in absolute rage. With a swift motion, its horn swept down, stabbing the massive wolf in its left foreleg. Yelping and growling, the black werewolf clawed the bull's face before leaping away. Stumbling a little as she landed, she whined as she lifted her bleeding left foreleg. Blue eyes glared at the injured Minotaur, who rubbed its bleeding throat and gave soft croaking painful groans. Its red eyes glared angrily at the black beast, but slowly it retreated further into the woods. Watching the Minotaur leave, Zari slowly licked at her wound. It would heal quickly, werewolves tended to do so. Any regular creature would have lost its leg after being stabbed by a Minotaur's horn. But it would take at least a day or two to fully recover again. Glancing toward where the human ran, she snorted, knowing that it was now a lost cause to go after her. Deciding to head back home, her body slowly changed into that of anthropomorphic black wolf, standing around six feet and five inches. Walking on two legs, Zari headed back to the clearing, her legs moving swiftly among the woods. Reaching the pool of water, she knelt down and cupped some water in her good hand, gingerly sipping the clear water. After getting a drink, Zari grabbed some nearby herbs, grinding them up with her claws to rub the little liquid against her wound. Hissing, she went behind the waterfall and inside the cave. Seeing the leaf made nest, she found herself lying down on it with her back. Her blue eyes closing in exhaustion, though her nose twitched every so often. What was the human doing now? Would she return? It had been a full moon tonight... Which means... There was a chance for change. What would this human girl do though? Zari honestly hadn't had much experienced with newly made werewolves, just naturally born ones. Deciding not to worry about it until tomorrow, the large humanoid wolf yawned before falling asleep. --- The King sat beside his daughter's bed, watching her with the greatest worry. The good thing was the Doctor said his loving daughter would survive. Yet those injuries... Those injuries could have been obviously fatal. Could it have been the monster that roamed that forest? Yet no one had survived such an encounter, not even a body was left to examine. If it was true, his daughter was the only one to describe the beast. [b]"Sir Valdamor, I want all the information about this beast, gather the finest knights and train the squires to the fullest. I want that monster dead as soon as possible. That skin will be part of my daughters bedroom floor for daring harming my youngest daughter."[/b] The King growled, watching his best knight nod before making his way out of the room. A girl around Grace's height and had long blonde hair with very pale blue eyes, indicating she was blind, frowned slightly as she stood by Grace's bed. [b]"Father, do you think she will be well? Such a bite could be lead to a infection and who knows what this beast is capable of. It could have venomous fangs..."[/b]She whispered in worry as her fingers neatly on her lap. Her body covered by a pretty light blue dress with a golden jeweled necklace. [b]"Mhmph, well Lily our dear sister should have known better to go trending off to that forest. Everyone knows a beast resides there. She should of just stayed at home and slept like a proper lady should."[/b] A girl a bit smaller than her sisters barked. She had long luxurious auburn hair with very light green eyes. Wearing a blood red dress, having puffy shoulder cloth with white trimming around the neck. Her hair tied in place by glorious emerald gems and her neck having a gold and silver necklace. The King sighed and looked at his auburn haired daughter scoldingly. [b]"Rose, please, we will save the matter for later. Until then, we must make sure Grace is properly cared for."[/b] He said, his tone firm yet held a hint of exhaustion.