[B]Appearance:[/B] [hider2=Usual Outfit][IMG]http://s25.postimg.org/4ggxc4w67/Blaze.jpg[/IMG][/hider2] [hider2="Sometimes its nice to just take a break, ya know?"][IMG]http://s25.postimg.org/p1vp41dr3/Blaze_Kimono.jpg[/IMG][/hider2] [hider2=Might throw a bunch of random images here if I get bored x3][IMG]http://s25.postimg.org/pk6jzqg67/Blaze_Edit.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s25.postimg.org/5qt2qv00v/Blaze_Sweater.jpg[/IMG][/hider2] [B]Other Details:[/B] :: A bright-red Fairy Tail mark on the back of her right hand. :: Has a massive red tattoo, plastering her whole back in the shape of a phoenix spreading it's wings. :: Multiple scars still visible on her chest [B]Name:[/B] Blaze "Beats me what my surname is..." [B]Nicknames/Aliases:[/B] Unless you have other ideas... N/A [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Sexuality:[/B] "Depends a lot on my mood." [B]Personality:[/B] Blaze is usually quite a fun individual to put it simply. Like Natsu, she enjoys to fight and only takes things seriously when the moment calls for it. As with a lot of her guildmates, she views them as family and would protect them as such, even die for them if it was called for. No thanks to her past, Blaze hides a lot of negativity beneath her easy-going and cheerful shell. [B]Magic Type:[/B] Lost (Or perhaps just 'Rare'), Caster [B]Mage Rank:[/B] B-Class "Hey, I'm still learning. There's plenty of time to become S-Class~" [B]Magic:[/B] Phoenix Magic Explanation: This is very much like Fire Magic, but the flames are tinted slightly lighter than normal flames. Blaze isn't hurt by these flames, meaning she can engulf herself in them without ill effect. They can be used offensively, defensively, or in rare cases which draw on a lot of energy, Blaze can grow wings or Phoenix-like limbs from the fire. Whenever the magic is in use, the markings on her back glow. [B]Spells:[/B] :: Offensive: Dragon Slayers use their flames in the fashion, or sometimes shape, of a Dragon's claws or talons or fangs. Blaze can do the same except with Phoenix features, but it requires more focus and much more of her power. So because of that, normal flame-infused melee attacks or ranged casting is preferred to going all out with special moves. :: Support: As stated with the magic description, the user is able to create wings with their seemingly natural control over the Phoenix Flames. Large amounts of energy are required when using the flames as a thrusting or propelling force. :: Special Trait: Phoenix Tears - Blaze isn't one for breaking into tears, but if she does shed tears they have a remarkable healing quality. It doesn't effect her own health in any way. [B]Biography:[/B] Blaze is one of Fairy Tail's less regular show ups at the Guild itself, but she's still one of it's more prominent Mages (the ones that aren't S-Classers anyway). Almost nobody knows much about where the young fire mage came from or what things were like before she was taken into Fairy Tail. The current Master is the only one she ever told... Blaze was born to a skilled alchemist and a famous pyromagician, both of whom wanted their child to become one of the most powerful Mages the world has ever seen. It would inflate their egos and start them down a dark path that they wouldn't be able to turn away from. There was a lot of discrete, back-room dealing to find and buy a forbidden 'Phoenix Lacrima', with the Magic Council seemingly barging in at the last minute to attempt to apprehend anyone involved in the transactions. Dark Mages didn't seem to mind giving it up, as they had no use for the tool - but they would keep a very close watch on what was going on. Blaze's father was certain he could implant the lacrima into his daughter's body and turn her into a hybrid of sorts between the mythical being and a mortal. Against the mother's wishes, the Phoenix Lacrima was connected directly to Blaze's heart through surgery, making her one with the powerful crystal. At least, that was the hope... The child tried as hard as she could by her parents' wishes, but all she felt was pain every time she tried to cast spells or even summon a simple flame. It angered her father, who decided to try and draw out the power in other ways - putting her in danger, making her angry and sad through harsh treatment. Through his quest for power, all he'd done was make his child weaker and weaker as she failed to understand why all of this was happening. Her fire-adept mother had a different theory as to why none of this was working, being that flames dance with the tune of their wielder - she knew that their child had a 'burnt-out soul' from all the neglect and pain she'd received. To rekindle her heart and soul, they had to somehow take back everything they had done up to this point. Her father's realization at what he'd done broke his own heart, and he resolved to make everything better again... Unfortunately nothing could be done. The Dark Mages that had sold them the Phoenix Lacrima decided to make their move and steal Blaze from her parents, making sure to kill the both of them for 'good measure'. As luck would have it, Blaze didn't end up a slave to a Dark Guild - the Council's forces were still hot on their trail. A young General leading the Magic Council's pursuit force took the depressed, horrified child in but decided against giving her the life of a soldier. It wouldn't be any different than what her parents had done, or what the dark mages had planned. Instead, he personally took a 10-year old Blaze to Magnolia Town where he knew she would be able to experience what a family is... He gave her to Fairy Tail, where nobody would abuse her ever again, where she could find happiness among people who understood her. Since that day Blaze has been a proud member of the guild, but hasn't really gotten close to anyone in particular. Well, save for one Iggy Dragneel who was the first to speak to her besides the Master. To remove the Phoenix Lacrima would more than likely kill the girl, so the Council keeps it hushed that Blaze has the magical crystal inside of her. [B]Other:[/B] :: Blaze's main weakness is tickling. Just throwing that out there ;3 :: Let's say she lives at Fairy Hills too