Reynard chuckled as he took her hand to lead her back towards his horse. "Is it near half gone so soon? Actually, I think the night is just beginning, lovely. And 'nothing but a Bess,' you say? No. That is like saying it is nothing but the moon, or nothing but the sun! No, you may be Bess. But I think I shall always remember you, my savior, as the beautiful and gracious Greensleeves." It seemed that whatever else might happen, the Highwayman was not letting go of their melodrama just yet. The massive horse stood snorting as they approached, casting a steady eye towards Bess before returning to his diet of nettles and brambles. A quick flip of his wrist, and the tether was released. In an easy smooth motion, one that belied the notion of a slender man not being strong, he swept her up to place her sidesaddle on his mount. Just as gracefully, he then swung up behind her in the saddle with both arms around her to keep her close and safe. It was as though he was born to the saddle. The girl quite safe in his embrace, he took up the reigns professionally as he smiled all the while. The horse made no recognition of their combined weight upon his back; it was as though they were naught more than two file who might have lit upon his saddle, so strong was the beast. "Grab the jug handle there on the front of the saddle," he advised, his breath hot and mischievous in her ear, "There, by the pommel. I shall not let you fall, be assured, good Greensleeves." With that, Reynard gave a tug on the reins and turned the horse towards the far road. At first, it was a slow and easy trot as the beast threaded its way between the close trees and heavy underbrush. But as the way opened before them into a deer trail, Reynard spurred the horse gentle on until they were at a trot and then a fast cantor. Soon they hit the open road and the scenery blurred before them! Such power and freedom! Reynard's horse carried them so quickly that the stars above seemed to blur even as the moon made as if to follow them! More over than the exhilaration of speed, there was the sheer primal smell that surrounded Reynard and Bess - it was all animal and leather, unrestrained muscles let loose in the liberation of the horse's urge to run free. Ditches and stiles were jumped as though they were nothing, granting the country girl a dazzling display of what just a monster might accomplish at his master's gentle command. Only the intoxicating odor of the horse was not the only scent in the air. Reynard smelled of lime and bay rum, polished leather and brushed suede. And he reveled in her scent as well, inhaling the fragrance of her hair as the wind sought to tickle his nose with it. She was twice as warm and pleasant in his arms as she had been the other night when she unwillingly provided him with succor, and as much as he played the gentleman to keep his hands about her calmly he truly wished he might let those hands rove. Yet again, Reynard would not prove himself the cad. He was good at playing the gentleman, and if their little play was to continue happily enough then the fox was glad enough to keep to his self assigned role. After some time and quite some distance from either their forest grotto or her home, he brought the horse to heel. Atop the highest hill on the road, they might look about the moonlit landscape in all its romantic and nightly splendor, the ponds and streams that dotted the landscape twinkling the stars reflections back up at their origins merrily. It was a peaceful night. Only a cool breeze was left to disturb the tranquility even as it added something to the atmosphere. "There, now, Greensleeves," Reynard asked politely, "Was that to your liking then?"