Name: Alexia Ryder (Alex for short) Age:23 [hider=Picture][img][/img][/hider] Gender: Female Personality: Alexia is a hard girl to pin down. Outwardly, the girl projects herself as the light of the party, the center of the spotlight. Though she is clever, one would not often say so based upon the decisions she made. She's eager to prove herself, but due to her young age, does not get taken as seriously as she desires, much to her frustration. Can be abrupt and occasionally rude in her attempts to gain respect, but is kind at heart. She gets frustrated easily, but has a tendency to feign nonchalance, often pretending whatever bothered her never meant that much to her to begin with. Bio: Not only is Alexia Ryder treated like family amongst the seniority of Ryder Promotions, she [u]is[/u] family. At least, she is to the boss. Daughter on Randolph Ryder, CEO, it is no secret that her job has much more to do with nepotism than actual, honest experience and education. The girl, after all, dropped out of university. As the girl claimed, it was "just too boring". The real reason? She was failing. Her father, not believing in youth wasting their potential, opened a position for her within his company, something which is the cause of a slight resentment between a select few within the company. She is, however, widely accepted within the company, though never truly taken seriously. Extra: Despite her blase attitude and party girl attitude, truth is that Alexia is in fact, highly intelligent and rather ambitious. However, where everyone believes her failings are solely to blame to a lack of effort and an uncaring attitude, the truth Alex keeps secret is that she has crippling dyslexia.