One by one, they all left, all but the Child of the Dark Sun. Servants swarmed the table, clearing it of empty plates and uneaten portions as the remaining three commanders sat around, quietly letting them do their work. None of the three looked like they were pleased with the lack of interest many of them showed in the work they would be doing soon, though Vladimir seemed to be the least concerned. As the last of the food, barring Belrend's, was taken away, Balor spoke up to address the question. "As far as we know, they are all linked together, far more organized than any of us have ever seen before," he said, then glanced over to Vladimir. "Cutting off one hand will hinder them, but won't kill them," the giant wolf continued for him. "There are many heads connected together, leading them. Their god would not leave this task in the hands of just one person, or even just one group. Not only that, but we've heard rumors that the Chaos Servants are working with the Fire Cults as well, and that just isn't any good." He shook his head, and allowed his massive hand to grip the hilt of his axe. The leather squeaked beneath his grip. "They're bad ones, possibly worse than Taloran's bunch. She'd take us into her realm and enslave us, whereas they'd just end it all, leave nothing left of everything we've strove to build over the thousands of years we've existed." General Stonewall grunted, and stood up from his seat, leaning heavily on the table. "Enough, that isn't what he asked about. To answer you, Dark Sun, no, we cannot simply cut off one head and all of this be over with. This is a war, and we will have to clash armies at some point, even if all of their leaders are slain. However, the wounds that you inflict will be of great importance to me, and to all of us. In fact, I'll go ahead and tell you just who you'll be going after, since you seem to be the only one who gives a damn." His face turned to one of disgust as he looked back at the doorway where everyone else had left through. He rapped his metal clad knuckles on the table, and a serving girl made her way over, holding a small stone tablet. She set it down by Belrend, then backed away. On the tablet was a painting of a woman, her features sharp and angular, much like an elf's. Her hair was dark and short, and her skin pale, as if she had never seen the light of day before. An eyepatch covered her right eye, while the left was an icy blue that chilled the bone. Stonewall continued, "That is one of the Chaos Servants, one of the few to be working directly with the Fire Cults. In fact, spies in the Watch tell us that she is leading one of the larger ones, not to far from Aissur. She is your target. Kill her, and her underlings will scatter. But be warned, five of the Watchmen were sent to scout for her, and only one returned." The three went silent as they all stared at the tablet, clearly worried about something, but opting to keep their mouths shut. Even the remaining servant seemed to be shaken by the image, even though she knew less than any of them about the woman.