Xiao Lu had been lying there for a while now, the cold biting at his skin. He was breathing quietly as he lied there, trying to calm his body down from the frightful attack from earlier. The pain hurt a lot, but he wasn't going to fall for it's tricks, he wasn't going to play Death's game. The blood trickled down his skin, soaking under his clothes. He should have just stayed back in Taipei, where he wouldn't get jumped and practically be left here to die. Well, he thought he was going to die that is. Xiao Lu heard the sound of footsteps coming this way. [i]I'm going to die, I know I am. Death is playing me hard right now...[/i] he thought. Knowing this much was enough to understand that his life would be difficult to haggle alone. Soon enough, he felt someone trip over him, to which he groaned a bit. He could hear the person trying to speak to him, he could feel hands shaking his arm. He sucked in some air, a hiss escaped him from the pain in his shoulder. "Tíngzhǐ, qǐng..." he breathed, reaching out his other hand to rest them on the person, a woman by the sound of it. Slowly, Xiao Lu used what strength he had left, forcing himself to get up only on hands and knees. The knives in his shoulder and leg affected him greatly, and the one in his side only made it a bit worse. Breathing heavily, he slowly crawled on hands and knees, the blood on his hands leaving handprints as he made it into the lighter part of the alley. Soon enough, he could be seen. With sweat and blood mingling together on his skin, he turned his head slowly to look at the person who had found him. Clearly she could see the damage. Blood soaked clothes, blood dripping and covering his hands. 3 knives impaled in his shoulder, side and leg as if someone had thrown them from behind. He was about to say something, opening his mouth to speak "Qǐng..." before falling over, passed out from the blood loss and the surprise attack.