Molly hopped off the rail as the men started to pull down sails. Her father was a fisherman when he was alive, so she knew the ropes of a ship, very loosely. Of course, this was a much larger ship and that had been a long time ago. She ran up the steps to the wheel and looked at it. If there was ever a time to remember everything her father had her do on those boring ships, now would be that time. She grabbed the wheel and started to turn it, the ship following. She yelled to the men below what to do, as best as she could, knowing they probably didn't know what it was they were doing. She looked at Archie, "Take the wheel... I'm going to help out... just... don't hit anything." She smiled at him and hopped onto the railing, sliding down it. At the bottom, she jumped off and started to help the men with the sails.