[b][u]This roleplay is open for new players.[/u][/b] Even though your head is quite foggy for some reason, you remember yesterday pretty clearly. Not much happened to remember of it, but you know you woke up at the normal time, had your usual breakfast, went out to school or work, and along the day you met the people you are supposed to meet on a standard day. Family, friends, classmates, perhaps a boss or co-worker. You are also pretty sure you went back to sleep in your own bedroom. Nothing stood out on that particular day, and by all standards it was quite ordinary. Yesterday was ordinary indeed, and the only reason you are now trying to remember it, is the fact that today is everything but ordinary. For example, the huge plants that grow all around you, in what isn't your bedroom for sure, are not ordinary. Neither are the small bugs that walk around over them, making soft tingling noises with their legs. Even the ground beneath you feels different than what you are used to, but maybe that one is just your imagination. After a while, you realize that trying to figure out how you came to be here might not be your biggest concern right now. You are thirsty, and in the middle of what seems like a forest. You slowly get up, trying to get a bearing. [hider=Rules][list][*]You are allowed to make up creatures or plants in this world, with various behavior and properties. You are allowed to use these to start a plot line, but I will warn you if you use this feature in a way that doesn't leave input to others, or makes your character in some kind of Mary Sue/Gary Stue [/*] [*]Not everyone has to have entered this place at the same time, so your character may be used to this world when we start.[/*] [*]Aside from the people sent to this place, this world doesn't appear to be inhabited by humans[/*] [*]You are allowed to control npc's, but don't abuse them to control other players or empower your character in an unfair way. [/*] [*]You can have more than one character if you want. The maximum characters per player is two. This is entirely optional.[/*] [*]Romance is okay, pornography is not. If you think your characters need a typed out version of their erotic adventures, write a fanfic on some other site. (To be clear, any actions that could be shown in a PG-13 movie are fine by me.)[/*] [*]Mostly just don't be a donkey and behave yourself.[/*] [*]Have fun![/*][/list][/hider] [hider=Forms][b]Required[/b] [i]Optional[/i] [u]Character sheet:[/u] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Open for romance:[/b] [i]Sexuality:[/i] [i]Appearance:[/i] [i]Personality:[/i] [i]History:[/i] [i]Other:[/i] [u]Flora/Fauna Sheet[/u] Name: Keep in mind that they are named by our in general non scientific characters Type: Plant/Animal (preferably more specific than that though) Description: Location: At least give a biome (beach/forest/mountain) Rarity: (If your specific specimen is the only one of its kind mention it here so nobody else decides to run into it) [/hider] Because of inactivity, many of the members have been removed from the list. The ones remaining so far are: [b]Approved Characters:[/b] [u]Jane Lowe[/u] Age: 21 Gender: Female Open for romance: Yes Sexuality: Heterosexual [url=http://i736.photobucket.com/albums/xx10/Crittle_02/tumblr_loi1gs0JrN1qefu54o1_500_large.jpg]Appearance[/url] [hider=Personality&History] Jane is cheeky but shy. She tends to bite more than she can chew, but in general, she means well--even when the dark spot on her soul tries to rock the boat of her spiritual life. Running as some candidate for next Canonized Orthodox Christian Saint, Jane can act in what may appear to be arbitrary manners, but in reality, she is trying her best to be the most pious she can be--and then she falls, stumbles, and finds herself in a deep dark hole of ecstasy and acid and -- suddenly, she is on a trip she can't escape. Jane had been trying so hard to be sober and clean, make new friends -- Church going, God-fearing, and prayer loving friends. She just could not get her spot into the group. She kept feeling more and more like an outsider until she found herself lamely hallucinating on a Saturday night, by herself, of course, as she was too embarrassed to "hook-up" with her old school druggie friends and only a crazy person would think to ask her Church friends. So, here she was, coming off of an acid trip, melting-face, falling asleep. . when in the morning, she's not home, anymore. Where is she? Is she still hallucinating? If so, it's been several days, now... [/hider] [u]Shayre[/u] Age: 18 Gender: Male Open for romance: Yes Sexuality: Heterosexual [url=http://data3.whicdn.com/images/70688124/large.png]Appearance[/url] [hider=Personality&History] After sustaining a headinjury when he first woke up in this new world, Shayre appears to have forgotten everything about his previous life. He does know that he is strangely afraid of dogs, and for some reason he feels like it is his job to protect people, and especially girls. Not necessarily strong, he makes up for it with skill and strong instincts. While mostly friendly and hardworking, he sometimes feels incredibly sad for no obvious reason. No matter what, he is loyal to his friends at all moments, and he does his best to keep everybody safe, to the point of being selfdestructive. [/hider] [u]Luna[/u] (Might have left, in which case her character will be a Controllable NPC) Age: 16 Gender: Female Open for romance: Yes Sexuality: Heterosexual [url=http://www.visualphotos.com/photo/2x6556363/teenage_girl_with_long_blond_hair_and_blue_eyes_troutdale_oregon_united_states_of_america_2068656.jpg]Appearance[/url] [hider=Personality&History] She loves new things and meeting new people. She is very personable and loves being around others. She adapts to new and strange situations very well. She tends to hold things inside, and even if she is very upset she smiles like nothing’s wrong. Her life at home was pretty rough. Her parents were divorced and she lived with her mom, her sister with her dad. She was pretty depressed that they were apart, but she coped. She tried to get away from home as much as possible and tried to better other people’s situations. When she woke up in the strange new world it was almost a relief to be there.Other: She loves anything and everything sweet [/hider] [u]Akuma[/u] (Controllable NPC) Age: 16 Gender: Female Open for romance: Yes Sexuality: Heterosexual [url=https://24.media.tumblr.com/3d1cac69e376dd1806523769608d0c1a/tumblr_n5or99NBwm1tbsje9o5_1280.jpg]Appearance[/url] [hider=Personality&History]Unlike her older sister, Echo, Akuma is very eccentric, optimistic, awkward and far from elegant. She usually acts before she speaks, and can be rather impulsive, but holds a lot of innocence to her, nonetheless. She is a free spirit, Akuma is also a pure and hopeless romantic, dreaming of romance the moment she'll find her true love. She isn't weak, she can defend herself better than her sister. She will go out her way to protect her friends and those in need. Akuma doesn't speak much of her history but she does remember being at a cafe and drinking her favorite coffee. When she finished and decided to leave she blacked out on the way home. That's the only thing she remembered that day.[/hider]