[quote=BrobyDDark] [b]After seeing all the hype and stuff, I made it my personal goal to hate this movie when I saw it[/b]. Then I saw it. It was a good movie, but it did not deserve the hype it got and it definitely did not deserve a whole fandom based around it. The music was about as good as any Disney song, and the animation was as good as any other big-budget animated movie but it still did not live up to the glory of the tale it was based off of. [/quote] I remember when I used to do that too. You miss out on some pretty cool things with that approach. I haven't seen the movie yet, and to be honest? Probably will not. However, the talk of hype and people getting excited over a movie or whatever is up to you solely. I don't ever go into watching a movie or playing game right off the bat thinking it will be great, I go in with an open mind, with a few expectations(Not too many for the movie to be disappointing.)