[u]Abbie[/u] The glass clinked as Abbie's bent broom brushed it into the growing pile of discard, the now larger then before. It was a dirty testament to the the trio's seriously slacked housekeeping skills and currently seemed to mock the red haired girl without remorse. To be honest, it irked her off more then it should've just to see the evidence. [i]I should've done better...[/i] Abbie thought slightly bitterly and tried to cast off the irritation that chewed inside, her mind unable to forget the nightmare which occurred earlier that morning. It didn't help most the evidence made up her currently task, something that helped her mind waver from the present. [i]Crash! After the bang, the window shattered into pieces and glass flew from the door's window. Her body pressed down by Sam as they were rained upon, her wide eyes jerked to spot Lacy under Toby's thankful. Her body felt her bow's end jabbed into her gut she stayed huddled under the older boy's body, her mind fought the urge to tremble with fear. Abbie hadn't even realized her breath had shallowed or Sam had gotten off until Toby's voice spoke and his hand gently touched her shoulder. Her head darted suddenly into his direction and made him jump, Lacy pulled towards the back, hidden in the house's shadows. "Are you alright?" He asked, his eyes concerned at her reaction. Abbie could only nod, her mouth too dry to speak as she pushed herself upright. Her knuckles had whitened upon the grip then pressed an arrow into the notch ready to fire. Sam was already staring outside. His body pulled to one side and gun cocked, loaded to kill, with his head peering outside. The hazy light filter through the open window and trailed to the cause of it: a brick. Gingerly Abbie crept to Sam's side, her boots crushed the glass under foot in each step that brought her closer and closer. Her heart raced in her head even when she reached him. It seemed impossible to stop and had kept on, louder until it settled at her ears like tiny drums. Her tongue thick and sticky, she still managed to talk finally. "H-how many are out there?" Sam shrugged, his finger twitched about the trigger. He was tense, that much was clear to her and her eyes shift once again to Toby. His look seemed to have confirmed her suspicions more then movement caught her eye. Her breathe held for a moment and her face edged out only to dart back at the flash of a gun fire. "Shit!" Abbie couldn't help but utter loudly, the sounds of someone retreating was heard before Sam moved. His hand touched the door and slowly opened it, the hinges speak in their rustic protest. Abbie's jawline tenses as she hissed at him. "What do you think your doing?" "I think they're leaving..." Sam replied but his hands held tightly to his gun. He didn't look like he too sure of what he was saying himself, his figure ridged and stiffened. Abbie almost expected to hear the echoes of a shoot and see him instantly drop. Out of instinct, her hand released her weapon and reached to touch Sam's shoulder. She faintly hoped to coax him back in when she spotted Toby had edged closer to do the same causing her snap. "Toby! Stay with Lacy, now!" Toby pulled back, his movement filled with hesitation to obey Abbie's request. Her focus returned to Sam who was a few feet out the door and now stood on the grimy steps. His next words had brought some comfort. "They're gone." [/i] Abbie shook the memory away. She returned to catch the remaining glass up with the bristles then directed it into the pile, finishing her chore. Lacy had cooped herself up in her room since the incident, her body firmly pressed into the with the blanket pulled over her own window. Abbie knew the young girl was frighten then used her own methods to feel safe. That morning had taken quite a bit from all them, most of all that feeling of safety and security they would never get back. It was possibility the most part about this whole thing to Abbie. Her eyes looked about the room for the warped, metal dust pan. She listened to the two boys hammer away, the boards nailed in had started to overshadow the bright sun which filtered in through the cracks. In less then half an hour they would cover up the open window and leave only scars to heal. Abbie's breath blew the stray bangs from her face and cleared her eyesight. Her finger pushed it around her ear when she spotted the dust pan not far, set by a few oil lamp candles made from small jars and cotton yarn wicks. They casted a soft glow of their own in the house's shadier parts as if trying to redeem that homely feel once again. It made her smirk briefly at the notion then bent down with the pan and swept up her dirt, her steps led her towards the kitchen where she dumped it. Abbie's growling stomach demanded food as she remembered she nor Lacy hadn't eaten that morning. Not with the chaotic event that went on. She placed the dust pan and broom to the side then began to rummage through the cabinets, hands pulled them open one by one to examine the contents. Mostly it was just a few unlabeled cans here and there which had been restocked with the meager gatherings from the marketplace. It reminded Abbie she would have to go shopping soon. Her hands closed the pantry then inhaled, her stomach rather relent in its hunger but she was hesitate to eat little they had. She wasted little time to return to the living and spoke to the two boy finishing their work. "Toby, Sam. I'm heading out to see if I can grab a bite to eat at Chuck's work place, anyone wanna come with?" Toby's hand waved her off, his face lingered over Sam a little longer then she thought possible and two and two clicked. She raised her hands up in defeat, her lips turned into a small little smile then moved to Lacy's room. Abbie's heart leapt into her throat she when her hand gently rapped upon the door. Her voice called out, inwardly noticed it hadn't opened, to ensure Lacy was still there. "Lacy? Honey? I'm heading out to grab a bite to eat, do you want to go with me or rather I bring something back for you?" Abbie asked in the softest and calmest she could, her side pressed against the door's hard surface. No answer, not that she had expected one. She hid the slight disappointment within her with her next words. "Alright. I'll bring you something back then." When she pulled away from the door, her hands reached for her things. She checked upon her wrist to see if her corded bracelet and multitool, which took weeks to barter for, were still there. Her eyes settled for a few moments on the faded neon cord and the semi rusted tool before she reached around to check her pocket, her knife's familiar shape bulged against her fingers. The last things she grabbed was a plastic water bottle that crinkled in her hold and a thread worn jacket, a worn red, before the screen door snapped behind her.