Discussing the vortex and sapphire studies ought to be done out of the earshot of the public and it appeared as though Telio still needed to collect himself. Urkwia was fine with giving him time to eat and settle before they got into the heavy stuff. Telio began to explain this his father wasn't proud of his son, despite the title Telio had earned for himself. And despite the accomplishments and attempts, his father had yet to see the promise of what exploring and stone collecting could do for the faraway kingdom where he came from. Her heart went out to him. Her parents wanted her to be a Queen, not one distracted by her hobby of gems. Even so, she knew her parents were proud of her and did love her. From the sounds of it, Telio wasn't sure he was accepted by his own blood, which was quite sad. The boy then explained that he wasn't offended easily, which she could envy. His concept of going with the flow was one she had yet to master. She could go out and chat with people but she was usually too wrapped up in her own head to act so casual and relaxed. On top of that, he had the benefit of traveling while she did not. She only traveled between the two major cities and was often polite and tried not to ruffle any feathers. She just gave a bit of a nod and pressed her lips together. Even though he said he wasn't insulted and didn't want her being ashamed of anything, the woman still felt as though she had done something wrong, in attempt to not do anything wrong at all. An unsettled pit hung in the middle of her stomach as she began to eat a bit more bread. Thankfully, the topic went back to the sapphires and she could start to relax again. Telio began to recount his side of the story, talking about the stones flickering. And they were dark, like hers. "Yes, that's what happened to me as well." She told him as he hit the stones together. She fetched her bag and gabbed a handful of the stones and found the two she had been using. As he spoke about how the teleportation may have worked, she began to resort the gems, she had been doing it by size but had yet to try color. In her mind, it made sense for magic to dwell in large stones but she didn't think about the color at all. "Hm?" She looked up when he asked about getting a map. That would be a good place to start. "Alright." She got up and left for a few minutes. When she returned, she had a large map rolled up. She looked at the messy table and just decided the floor would have to do. Bending down, she unraveled the map and looked at the land and water that had been labeled. It was all labeled. Not in great detail but it was enough to guide people to and from one place to another. "This is where we are." She pointed to the marking on the map. "I don't see any place called...what was it? El...dan?" She licked her lips but saw nothing that could be it. She stood up, feeling rather uneasy about the idea. For a moment, she toyed with the notion that this was some big set-up by her parents. That Telio was a clever actor who was paid to run into her and then discount her findings once and for all. Then she'd be forced to give up and move on. But as soon as the nasty notion fell into her head, it wad quickly discarded. Her parents wouldn't do such a thing. And the boy seemed honest enough. Even so, she had no idea where he came from and neither of them knew of the other. Sure, the world was big but they should have had some place that they were familiar with. "What about the Falls of Delphun? They're waterfalls that feed into a great big lake." She pointed to it. It seemed Telio hadn't heard of it either. "Or what about Ceegle? It's a really seedy island where a lot of criminals like to hide." She asked him. Nothing. Urkwia walked over and got a drink, trying to figure things out. It was just so unlikely that they'd be so disconnected in terms of geology. What else was there? As she looked over at her books and artifacts, she let her mind wander to some of the stories she had read for fun. While they were fictional and fun, she did recall some tales telling of other worlds, other places. There was a book talking about a world that was so vastly different, that it was all made of cold stone and had odd devices that let people communicate without needing a pen and parchment. Was it possible that Telio was from another world? Those ideas were only found between the pages of books or told at bedtime to scare children into behaving. "Do you think it's possible...that the reason you know nothing of our world is that..." She chewed on her lower lip, still uneasy. "Could there be another world? Another planet..." Just saying the idea was madness but she set her cup down and shook her head, her heart racing. If it were the case, it meant they had uncovered something so much bigger than what they had ever theorized.