Jon was intrigued by her quest to find this person that was to help her. "At their lowest" Jon said, thinking a loud. "Well in here, I'll doubt you'll find many people besides me. You never know you might meet an elf." Jon slowly ate. "Yet, I'm feeling pretty low myself" Jon told himself. He deliberately tried to get the subject from changing to him. He had no intention of telling this lady his name. He needed to stay hidden. "Besides, how am I to trust her?" Jon asked himself. As she asked what he was doing in the woods, Jon sighed a little. He knew he had high hopes to begin with when he first met Trice. Jon knew, somewhere, he would have to explain himself..."I don't. I can just make up a better story." Jon thought. "What a story indeed." Jon said in an unamused tone. "I was born in the North, me father was a guard on the Wall. He named me Jon. The wall keeps the wild ones out of Arynguard. Anyway, he was banished for breaking his vow of celibacy with a woman. He had already had me when he joined the Wall's guard, but another child was out of the question. They executed him, in front of me of course, leaving me to clean up the mess." Jon felt as if his commoner tone was improving. Yet, the royal tone still came out a bit when he spoke. "Aye, I knew I had to leave the Wall. I had no reason for living in the presence of my late fathers killers. However, I'd already taken my oath to the Wall then. So, I ran. I took what supplies I could and headed South. Now I'm here because food ran short. Needed to hunt." Jon heard a noise in the distance. It kept coming closer. "What's that?" Jon asked. The noise became cleared, a loud banging was ringing. Then a voice rang in his mind. It was old and ancient sounding, "[i]Come chosen ones, come to me. The time is nye, the time is here.[/i]" The banging got louder and then stopped suddenly, as if whatever was making that noise was less than half a mile away. "Did you hear that? The voice? Or have I gone insane?"