"Kingsley is a bit out of the way for most trade routes, so it might take them a bit before word gets out about a stolen ship. I'm not exactly sure how long we have until then, but since we have one of the two ships that regularly come across our isle, it should take a bit longer." he told her as he looked up, thinking as he spoke. they had a few days at the least before word got out to the mainland about a stolen ship, and even then, he didn't think that it would cause that much of a ruckus. It was just one merchant ship. It wasn't like they stole a navy ship or anything, so the news wouldn't be the talk of the town. He actually quite enjoyed steering the ship, even if he had only been doing it for a few minutes. he liked being able to oversee everyone in his crew, as well as steering them to whatever adventures might lie ahead. He never really saw himself as the leader type, but he enjoyed having a role somewhat like it despite that.