“Breakfast?” Fenrir perked up, delighted to hear both this news and that she had slept well. It was definitely strange, not having to fetch his own morning meal, but it was kind of nice. Having just awaken, Fenrir’s muscles felt stiff. Still slightly under the haze of drowsiness, he closed his eyes without much thought, beginning to execute his normal morning routine. Keeping his seat, he inclined his head forward. He stretched his neck; left to right. Next, he put his right arm on his chest, grabbing it with the forearm of his left. Pulling his arm this way, he could feel the stretch within his shoulder. Flipping this posture, he repeated the same stretch for his left arm. Afterward, he reached up with his right arm. He bent his elbow, putting forearm down behind head and shoulder blades. Reaching up and grabbing the elbow with his opposite arm, he pulled it toward his head, feeling a stretch in his triceps. Again, he reversed position and repeated. He now felt awake and refreshed. Opening his eyes again, they once more made contact with Rose. “Oh.” He exclaimed, realizing that he had slightly forgotten she was there while executing this natural routine. Not being a morning person, he was always a bit more absent minded than his usual self early in the day; something Rose would discover in time. “Not a dream, then?” he asked playfully, trying to play off both this and his odd question from earlier. “Good.” He smiled genuinely.