Yeah I know you know, but I didn't and it's now my favorite word. I found out by watching some of the Third Doctor moments. Cause I wanted to see Four start out cause I heard Tom Baker as the Fourth was awesome sauce and I had to see it to believe it. Hmm...I believe that the TARDIS taking her is very plausible and a very good idea. starting new with a Doctor who doesn't know her. I quite like the premise of the idea. It could be worked out especially the little kinks. Yeah I don't think she'll be a complete warrior like the writers made her to be, and I promise if I diverge from that you can give me a cyber slap if it will make you feel better >.> but let's hope it won't come to that ey? Yeah I think that was the whole thing with TT's was that you could go back, but you had to relive the entire moments. the book says but we can always tinker with the device and say that it can also go forwards in time [but make it like a few hours or so.] and a dead kid...yeah I didn't really buy the pair neither. That could work and he'd get a whole new lease on life, re-write it {time can be re-written xD}