[hider="Notes from our PM"] You can be cap'n, that's cool with me. A stuffy, law-abiding Norrington type could be plenty fun, then there's also the option of a sort of all-inclusive Spock to your Kirk who tends the ledgers, acts as ship's surgeon and gives regular counsel, etc., all while still being an outlaw on the high seas himself. One supplies more immediate conflict than the other, but both are cool ideas, and of course there's always the possibility of multiple characters. Well, the Napoleonic wars were shortly after the American and French revolutions, lasting from 1803-1815, with some stops and starts. Horse & carriage would be the norm at that time, yeah. Trains and railway transportation didn't get popular/commercial until around the 1850s-60s. Anyway, most of that seems irrelevant if we're to be at sea most of the time, but we can model the land-based stuff off the British Empire and dynastic Europe easily enough. So fancy clothes and wigs for the nobles, more humble stuff for the majority and rags for the more unfortunate. Think the Pirates of the Caribbean movies (they might be a deal before the era I'm referring to, though, I'm not sure; piracy as is commonly portrayed went back at least to the 1600s), Les Miserables, Master & Commander and most other pirate or swashbuckling media one might imagine. just imagined a great scenario where our pirates are posing as nobles, perhaps even royalty. My pirate, your captain's lieutenant, is probably posh enough to pass off as one, so maybe he handles the talking if she's less schooled in her etiquette. He might even be impersonating the prince himself... and then the real one shows up. Cue a brawl and epic scrambling to escape to the ports. Perhaps the prince will find his life a bit boring and tame and wonder what life on the high seas might be like, finding the female captain to be a treasure he'd love to add to his collection and her wanting nothing to do with him, save teaching him a lesson or two in common manner. My conception of the prince thus far is that he believes in law and order to the utmost and his view on piracy is something of a mix of demonization and "love the sinner, hate the sin." Some pirates are too wicked and savage to save, but others must be brought back into the fold. His father the king takes more of a hard line; he means to eradicate them all and will adopt any means to do so, something which he and his son disagree on quite strongly. If he's not merely taken as ransom, I imagine the prince might actively pursue "converting" or redeeming the captain and her crew himself. Of course, the likeliest scenario is that one follows the other. Oh that's fun. I always love a good religious element in our stories. Saving that world or dirty pirates as it were will be fun. I'll make his sister a dreamer who's a bit whimslical and quite girly in appearance and stature. So let's start with our pirates and we'll intro the other half of the story in the near future? Do we need CS for the MCs? If you like. I'd at least like to work on mine a bit more. The usual fare like name, age, appearance and maybe personality and a brief bio should be good. I'm going to use original names for places and things, not try to fit this into a RL historical context. Okay, I've got some details for my character, but one idea I like is that our PCs have a history dating back to before yours was captain. She might still have already been a pirate by the time they met (if she wasn't just born into it, that is), but I kind of enjoy thinking she owes at least some of her rise to power to him. =P I'm perfectly fine with the first mate being a bit older and having attributed to her fathers and now her success. Let's say her father died quickly of a heart attack or something and she's only 22. ?? Hmm, interesting idea! A sort of inherited right-hand man. I did imagine him being mid-30s, so unless you want to age her up and have them be peers first, that sounds fine. EDIT: Though 22, geez. That sounds so young to me now, despite not being much older. I guess I just haven't had much experience with my own age group in a while. At any rate, they lived hard and hearty in those days, so it's not impossible. [/hider] Dream - drop your CS's in here and I'll be working on mine too. :)