[center][img]http://oboiki.net/uploads/photos/show/%5B31%5D_13_Aug_12_%5B32%5D_1_May_13/3529_wallpaper-.jpg[/img] Andrea DeMarco I 22 I Captain of the La Jolla Andrea is warm and welcoming to her closest friend, the rest of the world and most of her crew receiving a stern, controlled encounter with the only female captain in the Adriatic Sea. She leads with a big-picture mentality and can see things that most cannot. Her dealings with other pirates are straight-forward and often violent from the onstart, namely to prove a point about her gender. There are rare occasions when she'll use the misconception about her being soft due to her femininity to her advantage, but those usually end with someone buried in a watery grave. Having grown up the only daughter of the illustrious Captain Williams "Hammer-hands" DeMarco, Andrea was trained to be tough and self sufficient. Her mother died upon her birth and her father decided to never marry again, leaving Drea to travel the high seas with him from the time of her infancy to a few years past when he lost his battle with a blood disease. She learned the ins and outs of the ship, the pirating business and self-defense. She can wield a blade better than most and sees herself growing old alone with nothing but the future to greet her and the past to push her forward. [/center]