Name: Daniel Age: 22 Desired Occupation: Woodcutter/Carpenter, supplying lumber and firewood to the people of both villages or helping them build things Where will they live?: In his own little house in the woods between the two villages. Personality: Daniel is an introvert and likes spending time on his own to "recharge his batteries" (hence the isolated house) but he also loves people and he is very friendly and social, often talking with others at length about nothing in particular. Appearance: Daniel has short brown hair, blue eyes and a permanent smile. He is slightly above average in height and is a healthy weight without being too big, his work ensures that no matter how much he eats he stays fit. Other: He has a golden retriever named Micky that he brings almost everywhere with him. Likes: Animals, Tea, Food, plants (especially flowers) Dislikes: Coffee (unless it has lots of sugar and cream), Bees, Spiders, most bugs except ladybugs