Caelyn never expected the over-enthusiastic reply that he received from Azren, so much enthusiasm in fact that Caelyn's hand started hurting under his surprisingly strong grip. Caelyn tried his damn best to not make any kind of grimace on his face, and he thought he had succeeded for the most part. "The trick is, to hold the hammock still with one leg, and very carefully ease into the hammock, much like a boat, if you apply too much force or pressure to one side it will tip." Caelyn demonstrated as he slid into the hammock. He slowed it down a great bit so that Azren, could truly see the act he was doing. His mind the entire time returning to his hand, this one is strong. He will be a good ally to have, and a grin found its way to his face. Azren was very excited, a feeling that was very foreign to Caelyn, but he had to admit, it was contagious. Soon, Caelyn found himself grinning all the wider and even let a bit of laughter slip out. He cupped his hand on Azren's shoulder to help him ease into the hammock. "There my friend, if there is anymore services I may provide you with, do not hesitate to ask." After thinking about what he had just said he turned and quickly added. "Well not ANY but, any questions you may have. I will gladly try my best to help." Feeling satisfied, with himself for helping someone on day 1, Caelyn moved on to the kitchen to see if he could scrounge up some grub. When he walked in he saw a man flash out a rapier and cut an onion in half. "Arrogance is a weakness." Caelyn thought to himself. This man was skilled with a blade, and he wanted everyone to know it. Caelyn made a mental note to not take this one lightly. "Nicely done, might you cut one for me as well?" Caelyn asked with a grin. "Vance was it? Ah back home we used to have a cow named Vance, it didn't end well for him." Caelyn said it a solemn tone. Nothing wrong with poking a little fun at someone who has a ship sized ego.