[b]░▒▓▌Plot[/b] Roland, the Mayor of Tipa, has sent the caravan out a journey to gather myrrh for the town's crystal. The plot will not follow the actuall plot of the game, but rather more or less nothing will happen and our characters will attempt to fend for the crystal's power. [b]░▒▓▌Your Caravan[/b] You may be apart of any caravan you want. here's a list of the many towns that have caravans. Each Caravan will be accompanied by a moogle and a Papaopamus, Food for the caravan, water, and basic weapons. Tipa - Not strict on species Marr's pass - Clavat specific, but not strict Alfitaria - Strictly Liltie Shella - Strictly Yuke Fields of Fum - Strictly Clavat Leuda - Strictly Silkie [hider=Map of the world] [img=http://ffforever.info/pics/game/ffcc/worldmap/World%20Map.png] [/hider] --- [b]░▒▓▌Your Character[/b] I ask that you select your character from one of these below or create your own based on the four species. However you can be any creature that is in the Crystal chronicles game. [hider=FFCC Job classes] [img=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080527111529/finalfantasy/images/e/e8/FFCC-JobClasses.jpg] Names ordered from top left to top right Cowlick Clavat - Natural Clavat - Headband Clavat - Cap Clavat | Wolfie (male) Selkie - Shark eyes (male) Selkie - Bandanna Selkie - Raccoon Tail (male) Selkie Long hair Clavat - Short hair clavat - black coat clavat - white cap clavat | Wolfie (F) Selkie - Raccoon tail (F) Selkie - Shark eyes (F) selkie - Owl head selkie One horn Yuke - bumpy Yuke - Long beak Yuke - Black mage Yuke | Bare head (M) Liltie - Horned helm Liltie - Steel visor Liltie - Bucket head Liltie Spiral Yuke - Tulip Yuke - Spoon Yuke - Heart top Yuke | Bare head (F) Liltie - Blue Armor Liltie - Elegant Liltie - Red Mask Liltie [/hider] You will also choose a job, here is a list of jobs and where you'd live if you are in Tipa Caravan. Family Trade is first come first serve unless your related to another user (must have agreement), Unless you live in another village. [hider=Map of tipa] [img=http://i1179.photobucket.com/albums/x391/ShotoNemar/tipamapnumbered_zps9c95bd02.png] [b]1.[/b] Miller [b]2.[/b] Fisherman [b]3.[/b] Farmer [b]4.[/b] Merchant [b]5.[/b] Blacksmith [b]6.[/b] Rancher [b]7.[/b] The Crystal [b]8.[/b] Tailor [b]9.[/b] Mayor's house [b]10.[/b] Alchemist [/hider] [hider=Character Sheets] Copy and paste this to your post when your ready to apply for a character, make sure you fill the whole thing out. Username: (this makes it easier on me when I go to re-paste your character to the members sheet) Name: Gender: Age: Species: Family Trade: Caravan/Home town: Personality: Looks like: (You may describe [u]in Detail[/u], provide an image, or both) Other: (anything about the character that you feel is needed, please prevent from long backstories) [/hider] --- [b][u]Rules[/b][/u] [b]No Godmodding[/b] Your character can be hit and is not invincible, we will not kill your character off, but be realistic when it comes to any situation. You cannot say when a character hits another character or any action. You make the actions of your characters, and unless it's an npc, the others make the reaction. Basically only control your character. [b]No Mary Sues/Gary Sues[/b] similar to Godmodding, you can not make your character super invincible, powerful or anything of the like. limit what your character is able to do. If they are strong in offense but weak in magic, don't make them have strong magic abilities. [b]Posting matters[/b] This is a Casual Roleplay, so I'm not expecting perfect, but at least post as the forum thread describes to post, and make sure your post makes since. [b]limit Romance[/b] You can have it with other characters, however, this is not an adult limited website, nothing passed kisses and cuddles. [b]Anybody is welcome[/b] even if you weren't apart of the interest form, your still welcome to join us as long as you fill out a character sheet and it gets accepted. [b]Character sheet[/b] Fill the whole thing out correctly. It will be put on the members list below when accepted. To get this Character sheet accepted you will need to put "(your Species here) are awesome!" somewhere on your post. do not put "password" or of the like anywhere near that. [center] [img=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090519013420/finalfantasy/images/8/8e/Crystal_Chronicles_Battle_Artwork.jpg] [i]"Good luck to you all"[/i] [/center]